The Vision

A simple, private, safe place for me to unload and reflect my thoughts.

Spiritual Food for the Day

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Train up your child....

Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

This scripture has brought on a whole new meaning recently to me.  I have really been reflecting on how we are raising our children.  If I am doing everything I know to do to teach them about Christ and the plan of salvation that they too one day might take that step for themselves and walk in all Truth...  We recently started evening devotions with our children and it is wonderful!  We are letting Corbyn do the reading and involving him in the discussion.  What does the scripture mean to him?  How can it change his life?  And so on... Love it!  The other night when we said our prayers before bed, he prayed that God would give him the Holy Ghost one day and help him to do good!  I had to fight back tears!  It is amazing the things they pick up on and pay attention to that we don't even realize!  Today I had to take him to an ortho appt before lunch and on the way we got into a conversation about God and what it means to make heaven our home, what our part is to make sure we make it there.  I brought up the scripture about " him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin".  And he knew that it means if he knows he is supposed to do something or not do something and does the opposite, he is sinning.  There was so much more to the conversation but it was awesome!  I love and cherish those moments!  Like light bulbs are going off and I am telling myself, "see, what you are doing does matter and he does get it!"  Just a wonderful and proud Mom moment!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a rich thing you are doing with your children. We used to do evening devotions. We do bible in and devotions during school time now and go to church and pray as a family in the prayer room during the week a few times. But I miss our evening devotions. But we had to change them for certain time reasons, but I am gonna have to tweak it and try to find a way to do it at least a few times during the week with dad.

    They need that as well not just during the day with mom during homeschooling.


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